Volunteer Lay Assessors assist Bristol City Council’s Quality Assurance service with inspection visits to care homes and to assess the quality of the home care service.

There are two teams of dedicated volunteer lay assessors who are passionate about improving the quality of life of residents living in care homes and the quality of care delivered to those receiving home care services.

The Care Home scheme is currently on hold but we are working to restart as soon as we can.

Care Home Lay Assessors visit care homes being inspected by the council to talk to residents, relatives and staff to assess the quality of life for residents. Read our leaflet for more information.

Home Care Lay Assessors telephone users of home care services, or their family/friends if appropriate, to gather their view of the quality of the home care service received. A letter is normally sent to Service Users before a phone contact is made to alert them to expect a call from a named Lay Assessor and to confirm that we are calling on behalf of Bristol City Council. Prior to the pandemic our contacts were mainly in person and this aspect of the work remains under review.  Read our leaflet for more information.

The information gathered contributes towards the quality assurance team’s assessment of the service being provided. The Lay Assessors meet regularly with Bristol City Council. We ensure the scheme is updated as necessary, discuss any issues or concerns arising, keep up to date with relevant developments in the home care sector and receive feedback on how the information we have gathered has been utilised by the Quality Assurance team.

The manager of Bristol City Council’s Contract and Quality team says:

“ Lay Assessors have a valuable role in providing Bristol City Council with information about service users’ quality of life, and how they feel about the care they receive.”

If you are interested in this type of volunteering please send an email to either of the following:-

[email protected]
[email protected]